+420 777 99 66 90 (Mo - Fri 9 - 18)


Czech A2 Exam Preparatory Course

This Czech preparatory course is designed for any foreigner living in the Czech Republic and planning on applying for a permanent residence permit. When applying for permanent residence after September 1, 2021, all exam candidates are newly obliged to pass an A2 level Czech language exam, as opposed to the previously required A1 level. The obligatory Czech language exam applies to third-country citizens living in the Czech Republic for 5 continuous years; does NOT apply to citizens of the EU and their family members.

The preparatory course aims to

  • strenghten all language abilities such as speaking, listening, reading and writing and prepare exam applicants for problem-free passing of the exam,
  • make the applicant familiar with the exam format,
  • place the student in a situation similar to the exam (writing mock tests),
  • provide all information required for the exam (price, terms, place, exam resit etc.),
  • give tips and strategy for coping with different types of tasks.

Current dates

Days, times
Start date
End date
Czech for foreigners
Wednesday 17:00 - 19:15
Online, uč.: Zoom B
Pavla J.

45 min.
4 800 Kč
Open spaces
Note: Přípravný online kurz na zkoušku A2. / Online preparatory course for A2 exam.
Czech for foreigners
Wednesday 17:00 - 19:15
Online, uč.: Zoom B
Pavla J.

45 min.
4 800 Kč
Open spaces
Note: Přípravný online kurz na zkoušku A2. / Online preparatory course for A2 exam.


All course applicants must:

  • have attended one of our Pre-intermediate courses or prove their appropriate knowledge of Czech - additional instructions on how to prove the current level will be sent to the applicant after signing up for the course (please note, the course is not for total beginners!),
  • pay the tuition fee (includes study materials and practise tests).

Need more details about the exam?

If interested in the format, costs, dates/places of the exam etc., you can visit the official webpage of the exam or contact us. In case you want to prepare for the Czech A2 exam on your own, you can use the exam preparatory page, where you can find practice tests and other useful materials.